Syllabus for MAT 237/637 CMP 232-Gillet 305

MAT 237: Applications of Discrete Mathematics.

4 hours, 4 credits. Concepts and applications of graph theory, recurrence relations, linear programming, game theory, difference equations, matrices, combinatorics, statistical inference, probability. Problem solving using mathematical modeling. PREREQ: MAT 176. Note: Primarily for students planning to teach mathematics in a secondary school.

CMP 232: Elementary Discrete Structures and Applications to Computer Science.

4 hours, 4 credits. Sets, relations, and functions; propositional calculus, Boolean algebras, and combinatorial circuits, counting methods; proof techniques; analysis of algorithms; graphs and trees, puzzles; finite machines, sequential circuits, and recognizers. PREREQ: MAT 172 or placement by the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science or Departmental permission. Note: Students who receive a grade below B- in MAT 172 are strongly urged to speak to an adviser in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science prior to registering for CMP 232.

MAT 637: Topics in Discrete Mathematics.

60 hours, 4 credits. Topics chosen from probability, combinatorics, decision making, game theory, graph theory, recurrence relations, linear programming, statistical inference. Problem solving using mathematical modeling. PREREQ: Two semesters of calculus.


Location: Gi 305 TTH 1:00- 2:40 PM

Instructor: Robert Schneider

Contact Info:


Final:The Final Exam will be given Thursday May 26 from 1:30-3:30

Grad Student Projects -- pick one:

Grading Policy:

MAT237 Course Outcomes [assessed using the problems in the brackets]:

1.  Perform numeric and symbolic computations (as part of departmental math objective A) [1-12]

2   State and apply mathematical definitions and theorems  (E)  [1,4,7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12]

3.  Count by using combinatorial arguments  (A,B,C) [3,4,6,7,8,9]

4.  Analyze and prove identities and inequalities for discrete functions  (B, G) [2,9]

5.  Apply discrete mathematics to real-life problems  (C)   [3,9,12]

Math Major Outcomes incorporated into MAT237 [assessed using problems in the brackets]:

A. Perform numeric and symbolic computations [1-12]

B. Construct and apply symbolic and graphical representations of functions [1,4,6]

C. Model real-life problems mathematically [3,9,12]

E. State and apply mathematical definitions and theorems [1,3,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]

G. Construct and present a rigorous mathematical argument [2,9,10,11]

Materials, Resources and Accommodating Disabilities:


Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Lehman College, City University of New York