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I'm an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Lehman College and a member of the doctoral faculty in Computer Science at the CUNY Graduate Center. Previously, I've been at UCLA and Penn State, among other places. I received my PhD in computer science in 2010 from CUNY, where my advisor was Amotz Bar-Noy.

My research is mostly in "applied theoretical computer science".

DBLP - GScholar - MSFT Acad - RG - cv

More specifically, my group studies algorithmic problems motivated by real-world applications, but algorithmic solutions with provable optimality or approximation guarantees. This includes projects on networking and sensor networks, power plants, batteries and environmental optimization, and security. Also, algorithmic game theory, computational geometry, and massive datasets.

Our research is supported by grants from the NSF, PSC-CUNY, and ASRC.


  • PhD Program in Computer Science
    CUNY Graduate Center
    Office: Room 4327
    365 Fifth Avenue, New York 10015
  • Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
    Lehman College, CUNY
    Office: Gillet 220B
    250 Bedford Park Boulevard West, Bronx, NY 10468