Calculus I Laboratory

Calculus I Laboratory, MAT 155, 1 credit
Sections 81 and 82: 6-7:40pm T Th
Prerequisite: MAT 172
Corequisite:  MAT 175
Text: Larson, Hostetler and Evans, Calculus Early Transcendentals, Houghton Mifflin, second edition.
Course Webpage: select 
     Calculus I Lab from my webpage. 
Professor C. Sormani
Office Hours: 5:30-6:00pm TuTh
                       9:30-10:00pm TuTh
Office: Gillet Hall 200B
Phone: 718-960-7422

Students must bring a 3.5 inch floppy diskette to class every week and
must attend the section they are registered for (Tu or Th).

Note: Each week there will be a project assigned explaining the maple commands described in the syllabus. It is expected that the students read the appropriate sections from Larson before coming to the lab. Some of this reading will be covered in the Calculus (MAT 175) but some readings may only be done for this course.

Projects and an explanation about how to download them can be found at

Students with very little computer experience should sit next to students who have used windows in the past.

