CMP 420
Database Systems

Course Description: 4 hours, 4 credits

Introduction to theory of database systems and database management: theory of relational, hierarchical, and network database organization, with emphasis on the first; views of data, data organization, data dependency and redundancy, normal forms, and query language.


CMP 338 (Data Structures and Algorithms).

Course Objectives:

  1. Understand fundamental concepts of modern database systems.
  2. Describe database systems concepts and architecture.
  3. Perform conceptual data modeling by ER/EER.
  4. Understand the relational model.
  5. Work with Structured Query Language (SQL).
  6. Explain functional dependencies and normalization as database design process.
  7. Understand File/index structures.
  8. Explain physical database design decisions, transaction processing concepts and theory, concurrency control techniques.
  9. Perform database recovery.


  • R. Elmasri and S. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Pearson, Edition 7, 2016. ISBN:0-13-397077-9 (New book is at $175.00 )


  • Lecture Notes, Blackboard, and Course Website
  • J. Murach, MySQL, Edition 2, Mike Murach & Associates, 2015
  • P. Dubois, MySQL, Edition 5, Addison-Wesley, 2013
  • R.F. van Der Lans, SQL for MySQL Developers, Addison Wesley, 2007
  • MySQL 8.0 manual

Grades Policy:

  • Homework Assignments: 40 %
  • Exam 1: 30 %
  • Final Exam: 30 %

Makeup exam might be given only when a student's absence is unavoidable. In such a case, the student must file formal written request.

The final exam is comprehensive. If you do better on the final exam than exam 1, the final grade will replace the low score from the midterm.

We will also drop one of the lowest scoring homework assignments. While exams will have extra credit points, there will be no extra credit assignments or projects.

Homework Assignments

Several homework assignments will be given during lectures and some work will be posted on Blackboard. Students need to work on the homework to prepare for exams but may not need to submit the homework assignments to the instructor. Some selected homework problems will be assigned as formal assignments to be submitted for grading. Students must work on their own assignments unless stated otherwise. No late assignments will be accepted.

Exam Schedule:

  • Exam 1: 07/26/2019
  • Final Exam: 08/08/2019

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy

Students are encouraged to study together. However, you must do your own work for all your homework assignments, projects and exams. You should never copy code or anywork from the internet or another student. You are responsible for knowing and following Lehman's academic integrity code (available from the Undergraduate Bulletin, Graduate Bulletin, or the Office of Academic Standards and Evaluations). All incidents of cheating will be reported to the Vice President of Student Affairs.

Statement may be found in student handbook. For more information, refer to

Note: All incidents of cheating will be reported to the Vice President of Student Affairs


Students are expected to attend lectures regularly and promptly. In the event of illness, or injury, students should notify me. Students who miss a class are responsible for learning materials presented in class and reading relevant textbook portions. If you need help, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Students receiving financial aid must be certified as attending classes regularly for continuing eligibility.

Accommodating Disabilities:

Lehman College is committed to providing access to all programs and curricula to all students. Students with disabilities who may need classroom accommodations are encouraged to register with the Office of Student Disability Services. For more info, please contact the Office of Student Disability Services, Shuster Hall, Room 238, phone number, 718-960-8441.

Technology, Blackboard and Email:

We will be using a Blackboard site for much of the class activities. It can be accessed through the Lehman website at You will also need to have access to your Blackboard account. You can contact the IT Center if you have any problems accessing your account.

I will be communication with you regularly throughout the semester using your email address that is available on Blackboard. Make sure you have access to your email. If you have, any questions about your Lehman email address or your password, or if you have any problems accessing the site please call the computer helpdesk at 718-960-1111.

Homework Assigments:

Assignment 2

Sample Exams:

Sample Exam 1

Classroom Policies

  • Take responsibility for your education and grades – Students have a common myth that because they pay tuition they deserve to receive a passing credit. Students earn grades in accordance with course grading policies.
  • Attend every class and get to class on time.
  • Submit all your work on time.
  • When having any academic difficulties, always seek assistance from your instructor.