Uses of Class

Uses of TreeNode in <Unnamed>

Methods in <Unnamed> that return TreeNode
 TreeNode<T> BinarySearchTree.balance(java.lang.Object[] arr, int first, int last)
          This method is the recursive method to balance the BinarySearchTree.
 TreeNode<T> TreeNode.getLeftChild()
          Getter for the left child of this TreeNode
 TreeNode<T> TreeNode.getRightChild()
          Getter for the right child of this TreeNode
 TreeNode<T> BinaryTreeBasis.getRoot()
          A getter for the root node of this BinaryTreeBasis

Methods in <Unnamed> with parameters of type TreeNode
 int BinarySearchTree.height(TreeNode<T> root)
          This method is used to obtain the height of the BinarySearchTree.
 boolean BinarySearchTree.isBalanced(TreeNode<T> root)
          This method is used to check if the BinarySearchTree rooted at the specified node is balanced.
 void TreeNode.setLeftChild(TreeNode<T> leftChild)
          Setter for left child of this TreeNode
 void TreeNode.setRightChild(TreeNode<T> rightChild)
          Setter for right child of this TreeNode
 void BinaryTreeBasis.setRoot(TreeNode<T> root)
          A setter for the root node of this BinaryTreeBasis

Constructors in <Unnamed> with parameters of type TreeNode
TreeNode(T newItem, TreeNode<T> left, TreeNode<T> right)
          Constructor for a TreeNode.
TreeNode(T newItem, TreeNode<T> left, TreeNode<T> right)
          Constructor for a TreeNode.