Syllabus for cmp 464-02, cmp788-02


4 hours, 4 credits  We will study neural networks and their applications to machine learning. We will cover the basic mathematical theory and explore neural network techniques. We will use the Python language as well as NumPy and Tensorflow libraries to create custom neural networks that have efficient mathematical algorithms.

We will use online books and tutorials. 
Prerequisites: Linear Algebra (MAT 313);Data Structures and Algorithms I (CMP338)                                          

Location: Gillet 231

Instructor: Robert Schneider

Contact Info: 

Grading Policy:
Course Objectives:
    We will use online materials. We will reference some  specific  materials in  relevant sections. There are many excellent courses and resources on the web on specific and advanced topics.
  1. Good overview tutorial. We will program differently.
  2. Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition-Spring 2017-Stanford
  3. Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing-Stanford
  4. Tensorflow for Deep Learning Research-Stanford
  5. Deep Reinforcement Learning-Berkeley
    1. neural nets to play games, drive cars etc
    2. YouTube lectures
  6. You tube of industry speakers discussing their applications of neural nets at NYC 2017 Machine Language Conference (MLCONF 2017)
  7. KAGGLE-- Competitions with neural nets and public datasets

Tentative Course Calendar:

Introduction to the theory of neural networks, PC setups, Python and Numpy review/learning

Week 5-?:Zipped  Udacity Tutorial- From Machine Learning to Deep Learning
Work on projects