Elements of Linear Algebra

Elements of Linear Algebra, MAT313, 4 credits
Section ZI81 7:45-9:25 T Th 
Prerequisite: MAT 176 
Text: Kolman, Introductory Linear Algebra with Applications, 6th edition, Prentice Hall 
Course Webpage: select Elements of Linear Algebra from my webpage. 
Professor C. Sormani
Office Hours: 5:30-6:00pm TuTh 
                       9:30-10:00pm TuTh 
Office: Gillet Hall 200B 
Email: sormani@comet.lehman.cuny.edu 
Phone: 718-960-7422 

Grading Policy: Exam I: 25%... Exam II: 25%... Project: 20%... Classwork: 5%... Final: 25%...

Each lesson has a corresponding reading assignment and homework problems. The problems will not be collected.  However, it is expected that you will do the homework and check your answers in the text.  You should ask questions in class and in my office hours when you have difficulty.  Problems with a * will be put on the board by students and gone over at the beginning of class. .

There will be two exams given in class. The best way to prepare for the exams is to review your class notes, the corresponding chapters in the textbook and practice problems without consulting your notes.  Always start studying at least 4 days before the exam and bring questions to the review class.  The final exam will be similar to the exams, emphasizing the material learned after the second exam but covering the rest of the semester as well. Be sure to review your old exams before taking the final. The project will be a semester long assignment with four components and due dates. The classwork will consist of in class participation and  homework problems which are written on the board before class begins.  Extra credit assignments will be given from time to time.

Syllabus: Vector spaces, systems of linear equations, determinants, linear transformations, and matrices.
