CUNY Graduate Center Differential Geometry and Analysis Seminar presents

On some conformally invariant fully nonlinear equations

Yanyan Li

Rutgers at New Brunswick

Wednesday, May 8

2:30-3:30 pm, Room 4422

Let (M,g) be an n-dimensional smooth Riemannian manifold without boundary, consider the Schouen tensor, a symmetric tensor defined as

A g=(1/(n-2))(Ric-R/(2(n-1))g,

where Ric and R denote respectively the Ricci tensor and the scalar curvature associated with g.

Let f be some symmetric functions of $(λ 1 ... λn)$, we study equation

f(μ(A g))=1,

where μ(A g) denotes the eigenvalues of Ag with respect to g.

We present some recent joint work with Aobing Li on such equations, which includes results on Harnack type inequality, Liouville type theorem, existence and compactness of solutions. One particular case is to take

f(λ)=σ k(λ) :=Σ λi1 ... λik.
where the sum is over 0 < i1 < ... < ik< n+1.