Special Session on Curvature and Topology

Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting of the AMS




I. Friday Afternoon Session: 5:00 -6:00 pm: Plenary Lecture Niky Kamran, McGill University
"Wave Equations in Kerr Geometry"

II. Saturday Morning Session:

11:00-12:00 am: Plenary Lecture Nicholas M. Ercolani*, University of Arizona
"A Riemann-Hilbert Approach for the Asymptotics of Matrix Integrals and Map Enumeration"

1:30-2:30 pm: Plenary Lecture Lars Hesselholt*, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Algebraic K-theory and traces"

III. Saturday Afternoon Session:

IV. Sunday Morning Session: 11:00-12:00 am: Plenary Lecture Rafael De La Llave*, University of Texas at Austin
Title TBA

V. Sunday Afternoon Session:

This page is maintained by Christina Sormani (sormanic@member.ams.org).