Tech Talent Pipeline: Lehman College Summer 2019

Instructor: Steven Fulakeza
Email: steven.fulakeza(at)
TAs: Chao Lai & and Jasmin Hernandez
TA Emails:
Phone: N/A
Office: Click for Office Hours
Office Hours: By Appointment only
Class Meeting Location: Click to Join the Class

Daily Schedule: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm (in the final Week, we will meet from 9:am - 5:00 pm)
Time Activities
10:00AM - 12:30PM: Lecture, code-alongs, homework review, and mini projects
12:30PM - 1:15PM: Lunch
1:15PM - 3:00PM: Continuation of projects and/or lecture, code-alongs
3:00PM - 4:00PM: Independent work using internship stack

Curriculum Index

  • Pre-Bootcamp Material
  • Day 1: Collaborative Workflow | 05/29/2019
  • Day 2: JavaScript Basics and Advanced JS Topics | 05/30/2019
  • Day 3: JavaScript DOM Manipulation and Chrome Dev Tools | 05/31/2019
  • Day 4: JavaScript DOM Manipulation | 06/03/2019
  • Day 5: Introduction to React and React Components | 06/04/2019
  • Day 6: External API Requests (AJAX/Fetch) | 06/05/2019
  • Day 7: Intro to React Router | 06/06/2019
  • Day 8: Redux/React-Redux | 06/07/2019
  • Day 9: Introduction to Node/Express | 06/10/2019
  • Day 10: Introduction to Node/Express | 06/11/2019
  • Day 10: Express/Postgres | 06/12/2019
  • Day 11: Postgres/Sequelize | 06/13/2019
  • Day 12: Sequelize/Auth | 06/14/2019
  • Day 13: Webpack/Babel | 06/17/2019
  • Day 14: Testing/Heroku/Recap | 06/18/2019
  • Day 15: Project Building | 06/19/2019
  • Day 16: Project Building | 06/20/2019
  • Day 17: Project Building | 06/21/2019
  • Day 18: Project Building & Presentations | 06/24/2019

Pre-Bootcamp Material:

Course Outline:

Day 1: Git/Github/Collaborative Software Development (Pair Programming) 05/29/2019

Day 2: JavaScript Basics Overview, Advanced JS Topics 05/30/2019

Suggested Pre-Reading (you could also consider the first two chapters as well, but the links below are the more difficult topics that we will be covering)

Day 3: JavaScript DOM Manipulation, Chrome Dev Tools (Debugging) 05/31/2019


Day 4: Continuing JavaScript DOM Manipulation 06/03/2019


Day 5: Intro to React/React Components 06/04/2019

Day 6: Continuing React: External API Requests (AJAX/Fetch) 06/05/2019

Day 7: Intro to React Router 06/06/2019

Day 8: React Review 06/07/2019

Day 9: Redux/React-Redux 06/10/2019

Day 10: Intro to Node/Express 06/11/2019

Day 11: Express/Postgres, Sequelize 06/12/2019

Day 12: Sequelize/Auth 06/13/2019

Day 13: Webpack/Babel 06/14/2019

Day 14: Testing/Heroku/Recap 06/17/2019

Day 15: 06/18/2019

  • Project Building

Day 16: 06/19/2019

Day 17: 06/20/2019

  • Project Building

Day 18: 06/21/2019

  • Project Building, Project Deployment, Student Presentations
  • Room is To Be Determined

Homework Assigments:

Each class there will be homework assignments. Assignments will be posted on this website. Homework may include reading, watching videos, doing code exercises, creating web prototypes, and completing projects. Most of the times, assignments are due the following day after they assigned. Feel free to collaborate with your classmates and work together on any assignment(s), but everyone must submit their own individual work. Class time will sometimes be spent going over assignments. Expect to be asked to show your work every class. Some classes everyone may demonstrate their work, other classes only a few students will share, but always be prepared to do so. All of your work must be completed by the time the following class session begins, unless otherwise noted. There are no excuses for not doing work.

We will be using github to turn in our assignments. For those new to git, we will go over basic usage in class.

Attendance & Participation

  • Attendance is mandatory. Every class builds off the previous one so it is crucial to be present for every lesson. If you are going to be late or absent, please message me on Slack in advance. If you have an emergency, please let me know as soon as you can. You will need to communicate absences/lateness to me and the TTP staff
  • Please turn in all assignments on time
  • You are expected to show work in class. This includes a functional website, a partially working website, a non-working web site, a failed app, an app that works but not the way you expected it to work, and so on. Please show me all your work. Explaining your work to other people is a great way to better understand the material and answer questions for yourself. Plus, showing work that is not function presents an opportunity to learn


You can install one of the following code editors. I will be using Sublime Text.

You also need to install.