Course Information | ||||
Course Section | Lecture Hours | Location | ||
CMP 338 - G401 | MW 11:00 am -12:40 pm | Gillet Hall, Room 333 |
Contact Information | ||||
Instructor: | Steven Fulakeza | Email: | steven.fulakeza(at) | |
Phone: | NA | Office Location: | GI 232 | |
Office Hours: | Tu & Th 3:50 pm to 5:50 pm | |||
Instructor Availability: | I respond to students' emails regularly, but please note that I do not typically check email or Slack messages during late hours on weekdays. Additionally, I do not monitor these platforms on weekends, as I reserve and dedicate this time to family, rest, and religious observances. Any messages received during these times will be addressed when I am back online. |
Course Description: 4 hours, 4 credits
Abstract characterizations as well as the design and implementation of data structures such as arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, binary search trees, heaps, hash tables and graphs along with algorithms that make use of such structures including algorithms for sorting, searching, will be studied. Algorithms will be analyzed for their asymptotic behavior in terms of time and space complexity. Implementation issues will be considered and students will write programs that embody these data structures and algorithms.
Course Objectives:
On successfully completing this course, students should be able to:
For each algorithm, verification of its correctness and analysis of its efficiency will be considered.
Grading Policy:
All your assignments: P&C, Homework and Projects are submitted through your zyBooks. All assignments have strict due dates. Late submissions are NEVER accepted. All assignments allow for unlimited attempts to submit via zyBooks prior to the deadline.
For each assignment, the highest earned submission score will be recorded.
The final exam is comprehensive. Since the final exam is comprehensive, if you do better on the final exam than the midterm exam, the final grade can replace the midterm grade. This will be done automatically when your final grade is calculated. This does not include cheating incidents.
Expectations: Students are expected to attend the lecture and participate in the associated lab section. Students are expected to learn the material covered in the lecture, the lab, and the textbook as well as any other assigned reading or exercises. Students are expected to actively participate in the slack communication channel and regularly check for messages or announcements. Students are expected to complete homework as an essential part of the learning experience. Students should review topics from prior courses as needed using old notes and books. All work must be your own.
Honor Code: You are encouraged to discuss the overall design of programs and homework. However, all work must be your own for all programs and homework assignments. Any sources used in the completion of your assignment must be explicitly quoted. You are responsible for knowing and following Lehman's academic integrity code (available from the Undergraduate Bulletin, Graduate Bulletin, Office of Academic Standards and Evaluations, or the Smart Catalog). All incidents of cheating will be reported to the Vice President of Student Affairs.
You must complete all your homework assignments, projects, labs, and exams individually. This presents the best way to learn and absorb the material. Feel free to consult the textbook, the instructor, and the CS Tutoring Lab to help you solve problems.
You are allowed to discuss problems with classmates, but only in general terms, and you must specifically avoid discussing any solutions. If we find you plagiarizing and cheating, we will not accept "I didn't know" as an excuse.
You must also resist the urge to copy code from the web. Therefore, students in this course may not use any websites that enable cheating, such as by uploading or downloading material for this purpose. Use of these websites including uploading proprietary materials constitutes a violation of the academic integrity policy. Below are some sources which you are not allowed to use or even consult while taking this class:
A note for students retaking the class: resubmitting or reusing your work from earlier attempts at the class is also considered plagiarism. You must do all work from scratch, otherwise you will not learn as much as you should.
Posting, sharing or making available your own solutions (in full or in part) or any course materials such as homeworks, projects, exams, solutions is also a violation of our academic integrity policy. This extends even after the semester ends.
Communication: We will be communicating with you on a regular basis throughout the semester using Blackboard for this course. You are required to make sure that the email address on Blackboard is your current Lehman email address and you must check it on a regular basis. There will be no acceptable excuse for missing an announcement.
Homework: Participation Activities via the online textbook zyBooks will be assigned for every topic covered in class. Completion of these activities is expected by the specified due date.
Programming assignments are due most weeks. Assignments will be submitted via your zyBooks textbook. These programming problems reinforce concepts covered in class. To receive full credit for a program, it must be completed by the specified due date and the program must perform correctly. You will be allowed to submit your solution multiple times; the submission with the highest grade will count as your grade. All homework assignments have a deadline, No late homework will be accepted.
Late submissions are NOT accepted.
Unlimited attempts to submit via zyBooks are permitted prior to the deadline.
The submission with the highest grade will count as your grade for the assignment.
ONLY submissions via zyBooks will be accepted and scored via the automated test cases.
Materials and Resources:
Zybook code: CUNYCMP338FulakezaSpring2024
Suggested Additional Textbooks:
Access to personal computers with Eclipse IDE, JDK 8
Departmental tutoring is available in the Computer Science Lab, Gillet Hall, Room 222. . For details about CS tutoring and services please email
Computer Access:
Part of this course will use university computer laboratories. These machines are for work related to this course only and a code of conduct applies to computer use in the department and on-campus. Misusing university computers could result in losing your computer access for the rest of the term, making it exceedingly difficult to complete this course.
Accommodating Disabilities:
Lehman College is committed to providing access to all programs and curricula to all students. Students with disabilities who may need classroom accommodations are encouraged to register with the Office of Student Disability Services. For more info, please contact the Office of Student Disability Services, Shuster Hall, Room 238, phone number, 718-960-8441.
Additional Online Resources:
Intro Topics:
Linked Lists:
Binary Search Trees:
If you will be using your personal computer, please install JDK and Eclipse.
Java Development Kit(JDK) Download and Installation:
Click here for Java SE Development Kit 8 Downloads
Download Java SE Development Kit 8. Open the downloaded file and follow the installation instructions
Eclipse Download:
Click here for Eclipse Download
Download Eclipse. Open the downloaded file and follow the installation instructions