CMP 167
Programming Methods I

Course Information
Course Section Lecture Hours Location
Contact Information
Instructor: Steven Fulakeza Email: steven.fulakeza(at)
Phone: NA Office Location: GI 232
Office Hours: The schedule for Office Hours is available on Blackboard.
Instructor Availability: I reply to students' emails regularly but please note that I do not typically check email or Slack messages during late hours on weekdays, and I do not check these at all on the weekends in order to devote time to family, rest, and religious observances. Messages received during these times will receive attention once I am back online.

Lecture Schedule for CMP 167 02: Mondays and Wednesdays: 11:00 AM - 12:40 PM (GI 217)

Lecture Schedule for CMP 167 03: Mondays and Wednesdays: 1:00 PM - 2:40 PM (GI 217)


Tentative Schedule:

Below is our tentative schedule. We are going to try to keep with this schedule. I will be updating this schedule on a regular basis if there are some changes. I strong urge you to read materials from the textbook before coming to class everyday.

Week Day Date Topic URL for class P&C Due Dates HW
1101/28/2019Intro, Syllabus, Book, Chapter 1, Etcetera Chapter Materials P&C Activity 1 Due 2/4 HW 1 (Reinforce Ch1) Due 2/11
1201/30/2019Intro, Syllabus, Book, Chapter 1, Etcetera
2302/04/2019Ch2 - Variables Chapter Materials P&C Activity 2 Due 2/11 HW 2 (Reinforce Ch2) Due 2/18)
2402/06/2019Ch2 - Variables
3502/11/2019Ch3 - I/O Chapter Materials P&C Activity 3 Due 2/20 HW 3 (Reinforce Ch3) Due 2/25
3602/13/2019Ch3 - I/O
3X02/18/2019Ch3 - I/O
4702/20/2019Ch4 - Decision Branching Chapter Materials P&C Activity 4 Due 2/27 HW 4 (Reinforce Ch4) Due 3/4
4802/25/2019Ch4 - Decision Branching
5902/27/2019Ch5 - Loops Chapter Materials P&C Activity 5 Due 3/11 HW 5 (Reinforce Ch5) Due 3/18
51003/04/2019Ch5 - Loops
61103/06/2019Ch5 - Loops
61203/11/2019Ch6 - Methods begin (void - no input args) Chapter Materials
71303/13/2019Project 1 Presentations Due
71403/18/2019Review for Exam (ch 1,2,3,4,5, 6 partial)
81503/20/2019Exam Midterm
81603/25/2019Return Exams - ReLearn if Needed
91703/27/2019Ch6 - Methods (void, value) Chapter Materials P&C Activity 6 Due 4/08 HW 6 (Reinforce Ch6) Due 4/15
91804/01/2019Ch6 - Methods (input args, return values)
101904/03/2019Ch6 - Methods (incorporating decisions & loops)
102004/08/2019Ch7 - Arrays Chapter Materials P&C Activity 7 Due 4/22 HW 7 (Reinforce Ch7) Due 4/29
112104/10/2019Ch7 - Arrays
112204/15/2019Ch7 - Arrays
122304/17/2019Ch7 - Arrays (use methods to manipulate arrays)
12X04/22/2019Ch8 - OOP Chapter Materials P&C Activity 8 Due 05/01 HW 8 (Reinforce Ch8) Due 05/08
12X04/24/2019Ch8 - OOP
122404/29/2019Ch8 - OOP
132605/06/2019Project 2 Presentations Due
142805/13/2019Review For Final Exam

Homework Assigments:

If you will be using yourown personal computer, please install JDK and Eclipse. the Installation follow the links on the bottom of this page

Java Development Kit(JDK) Download and Installation:

Click here for Java SE Development Kit 8 Downloads
Download Java SE Development Kit 8. Open the downloaded file and follow the installation instructions

Eclipse Download:

Click here for Eclipse Download
Download Eclipse. Open the downloaded file and follow the installation instructions