CMP 405
Introduction to Networks
Fall 2020 Syllabus

Course Information
Course Section Lecture Hours Location
CMP 405 T & TH 11:00AM - 12:40PM Online-Synchronous using Zoom
Contact Information
Instructor: Steven Fulakeza Email: steven.fulakeza(at)
Phone: NA Office Location: GI 232
Office Hours: Tu & Th 3:50 pm to 5:50 pm
Instructor Availability: I respond to students' emails regularly, but please note that I do not typically check email or Slack messages during late hours on weekdays. Additionally, I do not monitor these platforms on weekends, as I reserve and dedicate this time to family, rest, and religious observances. Any messages received during these times will be addressed when I am back online.

CMP 405 Course Description: 4 hours, 3 credits

Introduction to network protocols and algorithms. Intensive study of the most important protocols at each layer. Examination of their strengths and weaknesses. Basic algorithms for identifying primary servers, constructing forwarding and broadcasting trees, and determining routing tables. Writing a simple networking service at the I.P. layer or higher. Lab exercises include building and testing small networks.


  • CMP 334 (Computer Organization)
  • CMP 338 (Data Structures and Algorithms).

Course Objectives

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  1. Define and use basic concepts and terminologies for networking.
  2. Describe the layers of the TCP/IP reference model and their purposes.
  3. Work with classful and classless internet addressing.
  4. Explain the Address Resolution Protocol.
  5. Identify the elements of segments, datagrams and Ethernet frames.
  6. Explain datagram fragmentation.
  7. Understand internet routing and routing protocols.
  8. Explain how routing protocols such as BGP, RIP, and OSPF work.
  9. Explain UDP, TCP and ICMP.
  10. Understand sliding window protocols.


Internetworking With TCP/IP, Principles, Protocols, and Architecture, (Sixth Edition) by Douglas E. Comer. (ISBN-13: 978-0-13-608530-0, ISBN-10: 0-13-608530-X).

Grading Policy

The grading for the course will be based on:

  • Homework: 40%
  • Midterm: 30%
  • Final Exam: 30%

Please note that there are no make-up exams.

Exam Schedule

  • Midterm Exam: October 20, 2020
  • Final Exam: The final will be held between December 15 and December 16, 2020 . The exam will be made available on Blackboard on 12/15/2020 at 12:00 am and will close on 12/16/2020 at 11:59pm. You have will have THREE ATTEMPTS to work on the final. I will only take the highest attempt. Each attempt will be limited to 2.5 hours. Once you start the exam, you need to complete it in 2.5 hours of one sitting. Please do not work on the final if you have not planned an appropriate amount of time for it. The final exam will appear in the Assignments folder on Blackboard. Please note: DO NOT send your exam to your instructor by email. All exam grades are based on files and answers submitted to Blackboard. The final is intended to be an individual exam. You are not allowed to collaborate.


Homework is due most weeks. Homework assignments are posted on the class website, they reinforce concepts covered in class. Extra credit will be available for the homework.

The homework will be submitted on blackboard. All homework assignments must be typed and submitted as Microsoft Word documents files. No other forms of submission will be accepted.

No late homework will be accepted.


Students are expected to learn both the material covered in class and the material in the textbook and other assigned reading. Completing homework is an essential part of the learning experience. Students should review topics from prior courses as needed using old notes and books.

Honor Code

You are encouraged to work together on the overall design of the homework. However, for specific homework assignments, all work must be your own. You are responsible for knowing and following Lehman's academic integrity code (available from the Undergraduate Bulletin, Graduate Bulletin, or the Office of Academic Standards and Evaluations).

Note: All incidents of cheating will be reported to the Vice President of Student Affairs.

Technology, Blackboard and Email

I will be using a Blackboard site for much of the class activities. Blackboard can be accessed through the Lehman website at You will also need to have access to your Blackboard account. You can contact the IT Center if you have any problems accessing your account.

I will be communicating with you on a regular basis throughout the semester using your email address on Blackboard. You must verify that Blackboard has your Lehman College email address. You must check that email address on a regular basis. There will be no acceptable excuse for missing an email announcement.

Accommodating Disabilities:

Lehman College is committed to providing access to all programs and curricula to all students. Students with disabilities who may need classroom accommodations are encouraged to register with the Office of Student Disability Services. For more info, please contact the Office of Student Disability Services, Shuster Hall, Room 238. Telephone: 718-960-8441 Email:

Recording of Remote Classes:

Students who participate in this class with their camera on or use a profile image are agreeing to have their video or image recorded solely for the purpose of creating a record for students enrolled in the class to refer to, including those enrolled students who are unable to attend live. If you are unwilling to consent to have your profile or video image recorded, be sure to keep your camera off and do not use a profile image. Likewise, students who un-mute during class and participate orally are agreeing to have their voices recorded. If you are not willing to consent to have your voice recorded during class, you will need to keep your mute button activated and communicate exclusively using the "chat" feature, which allows students to type questions and comments live.

The link for the recordings will be made available in Blackboard


  • Chapter 2: Overview of Underlying Network Technologies
  • Chapter 3: Internetworking Concept and Architectural Model
  • Chapter 4: Protocol Layering
  • Chapter 5: Internet Addressing
  • Chapter 6: Mapping Internet Addresses to Physical Addresses (ARP)
  • Chapter 7: Internet Protocol: Connectionless Datagram Delivery
  • Chapter 8: Internet Protocol: Forwarding IP Datagrams
  • Chapter 9: Internet Protocol: Error and Control Messages (ICMP)
  • Chapter 10: User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
  • Chapter 11: Reliable Stream Transport Service (TCP)
  • Chapter 12: Routing Architecture: Cores, Peers, and Algorithms
  • Chapter 13: Routing Between Peers (BGP)
  • Chapter 14: Routing Within An Autonomous System (RIP, OSPF)
  • Chapter 15: Internet Multicasting
  • Chapter 19: Network Virtualization (NAT and VPN)
  • Chapter 20: Client Server Model of Interaction
  • Chapter 22: Bootstrap and Autoconfiguration (DHCP)
  • Chapter 23: The Domain Name System (DNS)
  • The Future of TCP/IP


Date Day Topic HW
8/25/20 W Last Day To Drop With 100% Tuition Refund
8/27/2020 TH Syllabus
Binary Numbers, Hexadecimals numbers, Decimal numbers
Chapter 02 & 03 - Network Technologies And Architectural Model
HW 1 is available
9/1/2020 TU Chapter 04 - Classful Internet Addressing
9/3/2020 TH Chapter 05 - Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
9/8/2020 TU Last day to drop with 50% tuition refund
Chapter 06 -Internet Protocol (IP) Connectionless Datagram Delivery
9/10/2020 TH Chapter 06 -Internet Protocol (IP) Connectionless Datagram Delivery HW 1 is due
9/15/2020 TU Chapter 07 -Internet Protocol: Forwarding IP Datagrams
9/17/2020 TH Chapter 08 - Error and Control Messages (ICMP)
9/22/2020 TH Chapter 08 - Error and Control Messages (ICMP)
9/24/2020 TH Chapter 09 - Classless and Subnet Address Extensions (CIDR)
9/29/2020 TU Classes follow a Monday Schedule
10/1/2020 TH Chapter 09 - Classless and Subnet Address Extensions (CIDR)
10/6/2020 TU Chapter 10 - Protocol Layering
10/8/2020 TH Chapter 10 - Protocol Layering
10/13/2020 TU Chapter 11 - User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
10/15/2020 TH Exam Review
10/20/2020 TU Midterm Exam
10/22/2020 TH Socket Programming with UDP
10/27/2020 TU Text Messaging Application
10/29/2020 TH Text Messaging Application
11/3/2020 TU Text Messaging Application
11/5/2020 TH Chapter 12 - Reliable Stream Transport Service (TCP)
11/6/2020 F Deadline to withdraw with a grade of “W”
11/10/2020 TU Chapter 12 - Reliable Stream Transport Service (TCP)
11/12/2020 TH Chapter 13 - Routing Architecture: Cores, Peers, and Algorithms
11/17/2020 TU Chapter 13 - Routing Architecture: Cores, Peers, and Algorithms
11/19/2020 TH Chapter 14 - Routing Between Peers (BGP)
11/24/2020 TU Chapter 15 - Routing Within An Autonomous System (RIP, OSPF)
11/26/2020 TH Thanksgiving Holiday
College closed – NO CLASSES
12/1/2020 TU Chapter 19 - Network Virtualization (NAT and VPN)
12/3/2020 TH No class (only for CMP 405). Reading materials will be posted on Blackboard
12/8/2020 TU Chapter 23 - Bootstrap and Autoconfiguration (DHCP)
12/10/2020 TH Reading Day

Homework Assigments:

Assignment Release Date Due Date
Homework 1 08/27/2020 09/10/2020 by 11:59 pm
Homework 2 09/11/2020 09/19/2020 by 11:59 pm
Homework 3 09/20/2020 09/29/2020 by 11:59 pm
Homework 4 10/02/2020 10/09/2020 by 11:59 pm
Homework 5 11/06/2020 11/13/2020 by 11:59 pm
Homework 6 11/18/2020 11/23/2020 by 11:59 pm