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Homework 2

CMP 338: Data Structures & Algorithms
Lehman College, City University of New York
Spring 2017

This Homework Is Due By 11:55 PM on February 27, 2017


In this assignment you will be implementing and testing all three sort algorithms: Bubble Sort , Selection Sort , and Insertion Sort .

In additions, you will also be writing a driver to test the search algorithms and you will be measuring the run times of each search.

You will also be using the RunTime class that you created for Homework 1.

Finally, you will be analysing and comparing the performance of the three sort algorithms based on the type of array that was being sorted and the run times you computed.


  1. RunTime Class

    You will copy the RunTime class that you created in Homework 1 to the project you are using for this assignment.

  2. BubbleSort Class

    You will write the class which will inherit from and implement the Sort Interface using the Bubble Sort algorithm. The interface may be downloaded from

    Please note that your sort method must measure the run time and add it to the RunTime class by using the addRunTime() method.

  3. SelectionSort Class

    You will write the class which will inherit from and implement the Sort Interface using the Selection Sort algorithm. The interface may be downloaded from

    Please note that your sort method must measure the run time and add it to the RunTime class by using the addRunTime() method.

  4. InsertionSort Class

    You will write the class which will inherit from and implement the Sort Interface using the Insertion Sort algorithm. The interface may be downloaded from

    Please note that your sort method must measure the run time and add it to the RunTime class by using the addRunTime() method.

  5. Driver Class

    You will write the class which will implement the Driver Interface . The interface may be downloaded from

  6. Output From Driver Main Method

    Please note that, in addition to implementing the DriverInterface, you are also required to write your own public static main(String[] args) method in

    Your main() method will have to call the runSort() method to sort each of the following array types ten times for each sort algorithm:

    1. 1,000 equal Integers.
    2. 1,000 random Integers.
    3. 1,000 increasing Integers.
    4. 1,000 decreasing Integers.
    5. 1,000 increasing and random Integers.
    6. 10,000 equal Integers.
    7. 10,000 random Integers.
    8. 10,000 increasing Integers.
    9. 10,000 decreasing Integers.
    10. 10,000 increasing and random Integers.

    For each call to the runSort() method to sort an ArrayType using a SortType ten times, your main() method will produce the following output:

    SortType, ArrayType, Array Size
    runTime1 runTime2 runTime3 runTime4 runTime5 runTime6 runTime7 runTime8 runTime9 runTime10 --- Average runTime  

  7. Analysis:

    Using the run time tables you created by running Driver.main(), copy your results into a Microsoft Word document and answer the following questions using 1-3 complete sentences for each question:

    1. Which sort worked best on data in constant or increasing order (ie already sorted data)? Why do you think this sort worked best?
    2. Did the same sort do well on the case of mostly sorted data? Why or why not?
    3. In general, did the ordering of the incoming data affect the performance of the sorting algorithms? Please answer this question by referencing specific data from your table to support your answer.
    4. Which sort did best on the shorter (ie n=1,000) data sets? Did the same one do better on the longer (ie n=10,000) data sets? Why or why not? Please use specific data from your table to support your answer.
    5. In general, which sort did better? Give a hypothesis as to why the difference in performance exists.
    6. Are there results in your table that seem to be inconsistent? (ex. If I get run times for a sort that look like this {1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 7.0, 1.2, 1.6, 1.4, 1.8, 2.0, 1.5] the 7.0 entry is not consistent with the rest). Why do you think this happened?

Please make sure that all your java classes are in the correct package.

Please submit your analysis on Blackboard as a typed Microsoft Word file (.docx). No other forms of submission will be accepted.

Please submit the completed programming assignment on the Mimir Platform Website .

You must submit your Java programs as a zip file of only the classes specified above.