This problem set covers Chapter 11 (Part 2).

Comparable SalesPerson (5 Points)

Add the Comparable interface to the SalesPerson class that you wrote for Problem Set 8. In Implementing the Comparable interface, you will implement the compareTo(Object obj) method to compare SalesPerson instances.

For the pursposes of this assignment, your aim is to sort the SalesPerson instances in alphabetical order.

Your class should still me named SalesPerson and include it in the com.sales package

TreeNode (5 points)

Design and develop a class to represent a binary tree node. This class should have the following private attributes:

Your class should have the following public methods and constructors:

Name this class TreeNode and include it in the com.sales package

BinaryTree (10 points)

Design and develop a class that represents a Binary Tree. This class should have the following attributes:

Your class should have the following public methods and constructors:

Name this class BinaryTree and include it in the com.sales package.

Sales Force (1 point)

This is your SalesForce class that you wrote for Problem Set 8.

Modify your displayAllSales() method to sort the sales people in alphabetical order before displaying the output.