Due Date: midnight, Friday, 14 December.

This assignment focuses on basic searching and sorting from Chapter 13.

Submit the following programs via Blackboard:

  1. Write a program that asks the user for a name of a file, and a keyword and then prints out the first line the keyword appears.
    Note: you can use the search from this chapter or built-in python functions.

  2. Modify the selectionSort (from Chapter 13 of the book or Zelle's website) to sort lists of string ignoring case. For example, the list, ["Amy", "aardvark", "Amsterdam", "ape", "Alice"] should be alphabetized as ["aardvark", "Alice", "Amsterdam", "Amy", "ape"].

  3. Implement the Insertion Sort algorithm
    	    function insertionSort(array A)
    	       for i from 1 to length[A]-1 do
    	          value := A[i] 
    		  j := i-1
    		  while j >= 0 and A[j] > value do
    		     A[j+1] := A[j]
    		     j := j-1
    		  A[j+1] := value

    (pseudocode from Rosetta Code )

    Write a main program that demonstrates that your insertion sort function works.

    (Hint: this does not have to be a graphics program, printing the list before and after is fine.)

  4. Turtle graphics are a built-in module of python that allows you to draw by moving a "turtle" (the cursor) around the screen. The basic functions are:
    • left(degs): turns your turtle left degs degrees
    • right(degs): turns your turtle left degs degrees
    • forward(s): moves your turtle forward s steps
    • backward(s): moves your turtle forward s steps

    The following program uses recursion to draw a square spiral:

                #From http://interactivepython.org/courselib/static/pythonds/Recursion/graphical.html
    	    import turtle
                #This function draws a line, turns right, and calls itself
    	    #  to draw a shorter line:
    	    def drawSpiral(t,lineLength):
                   if lineLength > 0:
                      drawSpiral(t, lineLength-5)
    	    def main():
    	       #Set up a turtle:
    	       myTurtle = turtle.Turtle()
    	       #Set up a graphics window:
    	       myWin = turtle.Screen()
    	       #Call the function that will draw a spiral
    	       #After mouse click, close window

    Modify the program so that it draws a triangular spiral.

    (Hint: Think about the difference about between a square and a triangle. You only need to modify one line of code.)

  5. Chapter 13, #8. - (Hint: use the turtle module from above, instead of implementing each function as suggested in the last paragraph.)

For more information on using Blackboard, see the first lab.

General Notes

  • Two of the five submitted programs will be chosen at random for grading.
  • Assignments must be submitted by midnight on the date due.
  • Every program should begin with a comment that includes your name and a brief description.
  • No credit will be given for a late assignment.
  • Extra credit will be awarded for graded programs that are submitted early. If a graded program is submitted more than 12 hours early (before Friday noon), 1 extra credit point will be awarded. For graded programs submitted more than 24 hours early (Thursday or earlier), 2 extra credit points will be awarded.
  • You MUST attach your program as a file, you may also cut and paste your program into the submission box.
  • The name of the file that you submit should begin with your last name (for example: yourlastnamePS2_2.py). Your file MUST have a file type of .py
  • Your program should contain a function definition for main(), and it should invoke main() at the end of the program.
  • While working on this assignment you have access to help in class (if your question might be of general interest), at the Math Lab, during office hours, and using the discussion forum for this problem set on Blackboard. Please take advantage of all of these resources.