In your textbook, this homework problem is in section 3.17 Homework 4-1.
Write a Java program that asks the user for a date entered as 4 integers: dayNumber monthNumber date year.
An integer from 1-7, where 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, ..., 7 = Saturday
An integer from 1-12, where 1 = January, 2 = February, ..., 12 = December
An integer from 1-31 representing the date.
An integer representing the year.
Your prompt to the user should be:
Enter 4 integers representing dayNumber monthNumber date year:
You program will compute the proper dayName from the specified dayNumber
and the proper monthName from the specified monthNumber. Your program will
print out the specified date in the following format:
dayNumber monthNumber date year is dayName monthName date, year
Please note your program will have to error check the input as follows:
Please note your program will have to error check the input as follows:
First the dayNumber is checked for being in the range 1..7. If that is not
the case, your program should print out the following message and terminate execution:
Invalid day number: dayNumber, please enter a number from 1..7.
Then the monthNumber is checked for being in the range 1..12. If that is not
the case, your program should print out the following message and terminate execution:
Invalid month number: monthNumber, please enter a number from 1..12.
Then the date is checked for being in the range 1..31. If that is not
the case, your program should print out the following message and terminate execution:
Invalid date number: date, please enter a number from 1..31.
Then the date must be checked for validity. For example, there is no February 30, February 31,
April 31, June 31, September 31, November 31. If the date is invalid, your program should print
out the following message and terminate execution:
Invalid date: monthName, does not have date days, please enter a valid date.
Lastly, if the monthNumber = 2, and date = 29 you must verify that the year
entered is a leap year, which is the only time that February 29 exists. Please see
Wikipidia's Page on Leap Year.
If the year is not a leap year and the user entered a date = 29, your program should print
out the following message and terminate execution:
Invalid date: year is not a leap year, February does not have date days, please enter a valid date.
Please note that your class should be named DateConverter.