Mat 172-05 (My 1:00 class)---Final 1:30 - 3:30 Thur May 25 in classroom
Mat 172-03 (My 4:15 class) --- Final Tue May 23 3:45-5:45PM
We will have a review class in gillet 217 on Tue May 23 at 1PM
There will be a departmental review Saturday the 20th of May from 12 to 4 PM with rooms to be announced

Additional Study Material

Precalculus (MAT 172) Special Web-based Section
Sections 03 and  05 (Spring 2017)
Syllabus 01-03–2017

Instructor: Bob Schneiders
Web Page:
Office hours: Tues,Thur 8:30-9:00AM   3:10-4:00 PM
and other times by appointment, Gillet Hall room 200

Class meetings: 172-05: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:00-2:40 pm, in TBA.
                           172-03: Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:15-5:55 pm, in TBA.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in MAT 104 College Algebra (or placement by Math & CS Department).

Content: This course provides an introduction to basic mathematics used in science-related studies, especially those requiring calculus. Upon successful completion of this course a student should demonstrate an understanding of algebraic and geometric properties of polynomials, rational functions, exponential and log functions, and trigonometric functions, including the sketching and interpretation of graphs, modeling and solving real-world problems using mathematics, and performing computations accurately.
Text: This class will be using the ALEKS Precalculus 360 web-based learning platform with integrated e-text Precalculus 2nd Ed., by John Coburn, from McGraw-Hill publishers. Purchasing access to ALEKS costs $96 and is required for all students in this class. (Students can access ALEKS free of charge for the first two weeks.) Except for the Final Exam, ALEKS will be used for all classwork, quizzes, exams and homework in this section.

Getting access to ALEKS: Log on to the online Blackboard system (also available through the CUNY Portal) and follow the instructions in the document “ALEKS start-up info for MAT 172-XX” posted on the BlackBoard page for this course(the XX will be 03 or 05 depending on your registration)

Procedure: Class meetings will always include working in the ALEKS web-based learning environment. To facilitate and reinforce learning, regular quizzes (using ALEKS) will be given during class meetings. Practice quizzes will be available in ALEKS for students to prepare for each quiz. Instead of traditional homework assignments, students will work on problems in ALEKS following a “learning path” which is coordinated with the text and the quizzes. Three midterm exams will also be given using ALEKS during the semester. All assignments for the entire semester are posted on the Calendar in ALEKS. Students should expect to spend at least five hours per week working in ALEKS outside of class.
Grading: Course grades will be based on Quizzes (35%), Exams (50%), and timely completion of the Objectives in the ALEKS learning path (15%). Details are available in the ALEKS Gradebook by clicking on “grading policy” in the upper right.
All graded assignments for the semester can be viewed in the Gradebook by adjusting the filter to “show all” and “show upcoming”.
All assignments for the semester, including the practice quizzes and practice exam material which are homework assignments that do not count directly towards the course grade, can be viewed by adjusting the filter in the ALEKS Assignments section.

Final Exam: A departmental final exam covering all material from the course will be given during finals week on TBA.
IMPORTANT: Students must pass the Final Exam in order to pass the course.
Sample Final Exams are posted on the department web page:

Tutoring: Departmental tutoring is available in the Mathematics and Computer Science Learning Center (MCSLC) Gillet Hall 222.
Accommodating Disabilities: Lehman College is committed to providing access to all programs and curricula to all students. Students with disabilities who may need classroom accommodations are encouraged to register with the Office of Student Disability Services. For more info, please contact the Office of Student Disability Services, Shuster Hall, Room 238, phone number, 718-960-8441.
General information about Calculus and Precalculus  Lehman College is available at:
and at