1. Open cinema 4d
    1. use cinema 4d-->help ---> show help and look up "The User Interface" to see names of all windows
      1. note all command palettes
      2. Hover but dont touch should get some helpful hints
      3. Dont do this!!!!!!!! but might come in handy if you accidentally lose  command palettes
        1. control +left mouse button to fold
        2. To undo this you have to use left  mouse button in same place
    2. show all views by clicking in box in top right of panel
      1. perspective, top, front, right
      2. clicking in box top right panel toggles views
    3. make cube by clicking on cube in horizontal palette second down
    4. show views
  2. rgb --- xyz
      1. note that z goes away from you  in front view
  3. go to file---> close 
      1. file is at very top left -- note there is a command palette horizontally second from top and then one in every window with similar instructions
      2. user interface design is a major consideration in graphics software-- we will not cover in this course
        1. cell phone graphics creation interfaces??
  4. Make a line segment in top window;
    1.  horizontal command palette look for curvy line
      1. press left mouse button and hold!!!!(if you dont hold you will get default freehand)
      2.  pick linear
      3. put down two points in Top panel by clicking left mouse button twice
      4. press return for a line
      5. could put down more points by pressing again and again before pressing return
      6. press command-Z (Mac-- windows is control-Z)  for undo (or use back curvy arrow in horizontal command palette second down)
      7. if have locked workplane on then  your default is x,y plane 
        1. this setting is on vertical command palette second from bottom
        2. clicking toggles on and off
        3. playing with these things are what causes a lot of grief at beginning
  5. Moving, Scaling, Rotating Line in top panel-- Using the three commands in that order next to select arrow tool in horizontal second down command palette
    1. Moving 
      1. Make sure that the line is white in the viewsl meaning it is selected
        1. you can also select with left mouse button in object manager where you will see the word spline
        2. if you have played around too much you also may need to pick top box in vertical command palette. Make sure other buttons off except the locked workplane second from bottom.
      2. click on the crossed double vectors
      3.  hold left mouse button down  in top panel on empty space and move and object will move
      4. if you click on red or blue arrows in display you can move in specific directions 
      5. try in perspective where can move also in z
      6. notice coordinates changing in coordinate manager
    2. Scale -- next one over to left from move
      1. uniform if hold down mouse button in a view
        1. note it scales from origin and may not be what you want
        2. concept of pivot
          1. can move pivot but now you have to be careful what state you leave the application in!!!!!!!!!
          2. Use vertical command palette
            1. Make sure you are in object mode and you have changed object to polygon (do not be in edge or point mode)
            2. You will use the box that has a tilted U (magnet) and the one above the magnet that looks like a horizontally flipped L
            3. Click and hold left mouse button on magnet. You will see a panel that has a bunch of things you can snap to. Click on very top of that panel where the maximize minimize and close buttons are. You should get a floating panel.
            4. Click on enable snapping,  vertex snapping
            5. Now click on the box above the magnet (flipped L)  that is the pivot manipulation tool
            6. move pivot to one of endpoints of line segment
            7. when you get near it should snap
            8. Now deselect pivot move and magnet by clicking on their command squares!!!!
            9. Now try uniform scale
            10. How would we use this?
      2. can drag by colored box handles-- note if go to perspective and scale green nothing happens
    3. Rotate- two arcs to left in command palette
      1. typically rotate about an axis where you grab a ring of the axis color we are interested in
      2. we rotate about pivot
        1. change pivot and see what happens use same procedure but snap to grid in workplane (need to turn workplane on and then grid snap) 
        2. dont forget to turn these things off
  6. Picking the endpoints of line segment and moving
    1. pick in object manager by clicking on name -- Spline unless you double click on it and rename
    2. click on box in vertical command palette that has cube with two orange vertex points - this will let you chose the points
    3. click on move tool
    4. click on endpoint and move
    5. you could have clicked on the arrow selection tool to first select and then the move tool but that is unnecessary.
  7. Viewpoint manipulation
    1. Close previous work File--> close
    2. Make perspective viewport big by clicking on box in upper right of palette
    3. Make a cube by holding down mouse button on horizontal palette and choosing cube.
    4. Now in palette click on what looks like move,scale and rotate tool and hold down mouse while moving across screen
    5. What is happening? Object is not moving,scaling? or rotating  but view is.
    6. In panel do Panel-->arrangement-->two views stacked
    7. Make sure both views are perspective by in the panel going to Cameras-->Perspective 
      1. You should see a line on top left of panel that says perspective on both horizontal views
    8. On very top line (with File command) create a new camera by Create-->Camera-->Camera
      1. You should see a Camera object in the object manager and also possibly a camera in the Perspective windows
      2. rename the Camera in the object manager (like Bob)
      3. In one of those panels  you should use cameras-->use camera-->Bob where the last is the name you assigned to the camera
      4. In that panel you wont see the camera (Bob) but you will see it in the other panel . If you dont then click in the non Bob panel;go to Objet Mangaer choose Bob ; and then push option O to center Bob in the window
      5. click in the Bob panel, and use the move,scale and rotate tools
      6. you will see the camera Bob moving, dollying, and rotating.
    9. scale of the camera view is really because of moving camera towards and away from what it is looking at.
    10. There is another way called zoom where you change focal length of the camera
      1. pick Bob in object manager
      2. Under the Object Manager window you fid data entry for what is chose.
      3. The Object Tab should be highlighted
      4. Change the focal length and you will be doing a Zoom
      5. Dolly and Zoom are not the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    11. Go To Feb 3 lecture