Lesson 2 mat 156

  1. Go over hw.
  2. Thur-- do plot3d
  3. .. partition = 10 as motivation for sequences remember with(Student);with(Calculus1);


  1. plot the normal function of two variables exp(-(x^2+y^2)/2)/(2*pi) with appropriate limits of the coordinates to see its shape
  2. Use the  Tools--Tutors--Calculus1--Riemann Sum tutor to get approximations to the area of the following regions. This tutor is found in the drop down menu under Tools on top of the maple window. The a, b in the tutor and the function define the region we want. First work with their default and change values to see what you get.
    1. sin(x) between 0 and pi (their default). Change the number of partitions and methods to see what happens.
    2. f(x) := x->3 ( you would put 3 for f(x) in their tutor) between 0 and 1. Can you calculate the area from geometry?
    3. f(x) := x->2*x ( you would put 2*x in their tutor) between 0 and 1. Can you calculate the area from geometry?
    4. f(x) := x-> (1-x^2)^.5 ( just put value on right in their tutor) between 0 and 1. Can you calculate the area from geometry and what the graph is. You should plot the function with the command The constrained option makes sure that the axis have the same units and a circle will appear like a circle.
    5. f(x) := x^2; between 0 and 1.  Can you calculate this from geometry. How about from the calculus you have just learned.
    6. f(x) := exp(x) between 0 and 1. Can you calculate this from geometry. How about from the calculus you have just learned.