# load the bike ride data into the variable hour library(readr) hour <- read_csv("hour.csv") # plot a histogram of the windspeed data hist(hour$windspeed) # plot a histogram of the windspeed data with a title, x axis label, and y axis label hist(hour$windspeed,main = "Windspeeds in DC", xlab = "Windspeed", ylab = "Number of days") # plot a barplot of the weathersit data barplot(table(hour$weathersit)) # plot a barplot of the weathersit data with a title and axis labels barplot(table(hour$weathersit), main = "Weather type", ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Weather type") # compute the median of the windspeed column median(hour$windspeed) # compute the mean of the windspeed column mean(hour$windspeed) # compute the trimmed mean of the windspeed column, where the top 5% and bottom # 5% of the data have been removed before computting the mean mean(hour$windspeed, trim = 0.05)