#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Mar 8 13:18:41 2018 @author: teacher """ import random as r import pandas as pd # sample from the standard normal distribution with mu = 0 # and sigma = 1 num = r.gauss(0,1) print(num) # sample from the normal distribution many times, # and plot the sampled values as a histogram num_list = [] for i in range(100000): # sample from the normal distribution # (randomly generate a number from it) num = r.gauss(0,1) num_list.append(num) num_series = pd.Series(num_list) num_series.plot.hist(bins=20) # estimate the probability that a generated number # is between -1 and 1 less_than_cond = num_series <= 1 # mu + sigma = 2 + 4 greater_than_cond = num_series >= -1 # mu - sigma = 2-4 one_sigma = num_series[less_than_cond & greater_than_cond] # estimate probability a number is 1 sigma from the mean prob = len(one_sigma)/len(num_series) print("Estimated probability number with sigma of mean:",prob)