
CMP 464/CMP 788:
Topics Course: Data Science
Spring 2017

A project is required for the course. You are encouraged to work in teams of up to 3 people. For the project, you choose a topic and a question or set of related questions that you would like to address. The project specifications below are for undergraduates (CMP 464 students). Graduate students (CMP 788 students) must complete these project specifications, as well as either i) use a third data set in their analysis in a meaningful way or (ii) analyze their two data sets in at least two different meaningful ways.


The project is broken down into smaller pieces that must be submitted by the deadlines below. For details of each milestone, see the links. The project is worth 20% of the final grade. The point breakdown is listed in the right hand column.

Monday, April 3, 11:59pmProposal10
Wednesday, April 19, 11:59pmTimeline10
Monday, April 24, 11:59pmData Collection20
Monday, May 1, 11:59pmAnalysis20
Monday, May 8, 11:59pmVisualization20
Monday, May 15, 11:59pmDraft Presentation Slide10
Monday, May 15, 11:59pmComplete Project75
Tuesday, May 16, noonUpdated Presentation Slide10
Wednesday, May 17, in classProject Presentations25
Total Points:200


A short statement that includes: Note: teams are not required. Think carefully about team formation since your grade will be an average of all of your efforts, and significantly more overall work is required for team projects.


Your plan of attack to complete this project on time, including what you will have completed by the check-ins for Data Collection, Analysis, and Visualization. You should view the timeline as a contract with specifics of what the "deliverables" are at each milestone.

Data Collection

For the data collection milestone, you must submit:


For the analysis milestone, you must submit:


For the visualization milestone, you must submit:

Presentation Slides

The presentation on the last day of class has two parts. The first part consists of a "sneak preview" of your project where your group speaks for 90 seconds about what they did. After every group has given their sneak preview, each group will display their project on a lab computer (see below for more details).

For the sneak preview, every group submits 2 slides with

Complete Project

The project must be submitted as a webpage (use google sites or other pre-built if you're not comfortable writing html). The project website must include:

Project Presentations

The project presentations are on the last day of class and consist of two parts:


Group work is encouraged. However, groups should accomplish proportionally more than those working indivdually.

Half of the points are awarded for the work-in-process milestones during the semester, and half are awarded for the final project and presentation.


Links to projects from Spring 2016 are availabe at