For this assignment, you will need to download a data set from the New York City open data project:
We will use these data sets for later homework assignments. Since scraping the data takes time, save these data sets to use again for the future programs.
The work to be submitted is the same for the undergraduate and graduate course
CMP 464/788 Homework: | |
#1-2 |
Using the birthday data set collected in Homework 3,
use Folium to plot the locations of all the crashes that occurred on your birthday. #1: Submit your Python program as a .py file. #2: Submit the .html file of the map that your program produced. |
#3-4 |
Use Folium to make a map that includes all the WiFi locations within one hundredth of a degree of a location of your choice.
For example, Lehman College is at 40.8725 degrees North and 73.8939 degrees West. For this location,
you would include all hotspots that are within 0.01 of this location in either direction.
Your map should color the inside hotspots blue and the outside hotspots green (GIS location as well
as type available in the CSV file of
#3: Submit your Python program as a .py file. #4: Submit the .html file of the map that your program produced. |