#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Mar 21 22:09:39 2017 @author: stjohn """ import pandas as pd import folium stations = pd.read_json('https://feeds.citibikenyc.com/stations/stations.json') mapBikes = folium.Map(location=[40.75, -73.99],tiles="Cartodb Positron",zoom_start=14) for i,row in stations.iterrows(): beanList = row['stationBeanList'] lat = beanList['latitude'] lon = beanList['longitude'] name = beanList['stationName'] + ": " + str(beanList['availableBikes']) + " bikes available of " + str(beanList['totalDocks']) + " total bikes" print(name) if beanList['statusValue'] == 'Not In Service': name = beanList['stationName'] + ": Not In Service" i = folium.Icon(color='lightgray') else: name = beanList['stationName'] + ": " + str(beanList['availableBikes']) + " bikes available of " + str(beanList['totalDocks']) + " total bikes" if beanList['availableBikes'] < 2: i = folium.Icon(color='red') else: i = folium.Icon(color='green') folium.Marker([lat,lon],popup = name,icon = i).add_to(mapBikes) #Create the html file with the map: mapBikes.save(outfile='bikeLocations.html')