All problem sets should be submitted on Mimir. You may submit the assignment up to 100 times before the due date.
To join the course on Mimir:
1. Go to
2. Click on the Login button (upper right corner) and create an account.
3. Once you are logged in, click on "Join a course" and enter the course code: b48e6ad4ac

All submitted classes should have your name, the date, and a brief description of the code at the top of the file.

Your code should NOT have a package at the top. Since the default in Eclipse is to use packages, do the following work around:
Much easier method than what we did in class:
1) Create a new Java project.
2) Right click on the project, and select "New -> Class".
3) Fill in the class name, but do not fill in a package name. This will create the class in "(default package)"

The class names for each problem set must be exactly as given below, including capitalization, for the automatic grading to work.