This problem set covers material from Chapters 6.
It should be finished by Thurs. March 20, however you may submit it up until the
end of office hours on Thurs. April 3.
To submit a program, you need to demonstrate (during office hours or
class) your program and explain how it works. You may submit a
program multiple times.
General guidelines:
Problem 6.16 (p 471): Write the code for an applet that has three buttons labeled, Red, White, and Blue. When a button is clicked, the background of the applet changes to the color named on the button.
Problem 6.17 (p 471): Create an applet Light that simulates a simple light. Create one button labeled On/Off. As you click this button, the background color will change between DARK_GRAY and YELLOW.
Write a class Item that stores information about an object in a store. It should have variables for:
You should submit all problems for grading by the deadline (see class schedule for date). To submit a program, you need to demonstrate (during office hours or lab) your program and explain how it works.