axioms NonDet type Message = tuple of seq:Int, ack:Int, adv:Int, msg:Seq[Int], syn:Bool % The buffer size for received messages is given by bufsize % The maximum segment size is given by MSS % The round trip time is RTT (treated as fixed here - no estimations) automaton tcp(process:Int, bufsize:Int, MSS:Int, RTT:Int) signature output send(m:Message, const process, receiver:Int) internal tick, % simulates clock application(n:Int), % application reading data % the following internal actions implement loops fill, % put bytes in segment to be sent markBytes, % mark bytes received findNBE % find next byte expected input receive(m:Message, sender:Int, const process) states buffer:Array[Int,Bool] := constant(false), now:Int := 0, % current time synsent:Bool := false, synrcvd:Bool := false, % for retransmission segments:Map[Int, Seq[Int]]:=empty, timeouts:Map[Int, Int]:=empty, % sender variables nextSeq:Int := 0, % sender's next byte to send lar:Int := -1, % left side of window stop:Int := -1, % right side of window % receiver variables rcvLeft:Int := 0, % left side of window nbe:Int := 0, % next byte expected lab:Int := bufsize-1, % last acceptable byte % auxiliary variables used in internal transitions for implementing % loops nextSegment:Seq[Int] := {}, sIndex:Int := 0, sBegin:Int:=0, sEnd:Int:=0, rIndex:Int := 0, rBegin:Int:=0, rEnd:Int:=0, mark:Bool:=false, find:Bool:=false, % true if receiver needs to update nbe % for debugging timedout:Bool:=false transitions % Send the segment once it has been filled % Updating variables: % seq (next byte to send) to byte beyond end of this segment % sBegin (next byte to fill in next segment) to byte beyond end % of this segment % sEnd (last byte to fill in next segment) to min(stop, seq+MSS) % Note that if the sender is allowed to send more bytes (ie, the % sender hasn't sent all bytes allowed by the receiver window) then % the sender can start filling a new segment as soon as this segment % has been sent. output send(m, process, j) pre % initial send (m.syn /\ m.seq=0 /\ m.ack=0 /\ m.adv=bufsize /\ m.msg={}) \/ %retransmit segment on timeout (defined(timeouts,lar) /\ timeouts[lar] <= now /\ ~find /\ ~mark /\ m.msg = segments[lar] /\ m.seq=lar /\ m.ack=nbe /\ m.adv=(lab+1)-nbe) \/ %normal send (sIndex=sEnd /\ len(nextSegment)>0 /\ ~find /\ ~mark /\ m.msg=nextSegment /\ m.seq=nextSeq /\ m.ack=nbe /\ m.adv=(lab+1)-nbe) eff if m.syn then synsent := true elseif m.seq=nextSeq then % remember segment sent and set timeout timedout := false; segments := update(segments, nextSeq, nextSegment); timeouts := update(timeouts, nextSeq, now+(2*RTT)); % update variables for sender side of process nextSegment := {}; nextSeq := sEnd; sBegin := sEnd; if synsent /\ synrcvd then % set sEnd to smaller of stop+1 or seq+MSS if (nextSeq+MSS) < (stop+1) then sEnd := nextSeq+MSS else sEnd := stop+1 fi fi else % this must be a re-send on a timeout timedout := true; timeouts := update(timeouts, lar, now+(2*RTT)) fi; % Fill a segment with bytes containing their position in the stream internal fill pre sIndex >= sBegin /\ sIndex < sEnd eff nextSegment := nextSegment |- sIndex; sIndex := sIndex+1 % Receive a segment % Ignore the segment unless all bytes are within the current window % Update variables: % rBegin: received segment starts here; must mark received bytes % rEnd: end of received segment % mark: true if there are any received bytes to mark % nbe: if segment starts at current nbe, new nbe will be beyond end % of segment % % lar: remember last byte acknowledged, to set left side of send % window % stop: compute this from m.ack and m.adv % sEnd: last byte to be sent in next segment (used by fill); % should be updated here because stop may have moved right input receive(m, i, process) eff if m.syn then synrcvd := true fi; % check that message is in window and not a duplicate if m.seq >= rcvLeft /\ (m.seq+(len(m.msg)-1))<=lab /\ ~buffer[m.seq] then % update variables for receiver part of process rBegin := m.seq; rIndex := m.seq; rEnd := m.seq+len(m.msg); if len(m.msg)>0 then mark := true; if m.seq = nbe then nbe := nbe+len(m.msg); fi fi fi; % update variables for sender part of process lar := m.ack; stop := (m.ack+m.adv)-1; % can send up to m.adv unacked bytes if synsent /\ synrcvd then if (nextSeq+MSS) < (stop+1) then sEnd := nextSeq+MSS else sEnd := stop+1 fi fi % clock ticks; add 1 to time now internal tick eff now := now+1 % application reads first n bytes in receiver buffer internal application(n) pre (rcvLeft+n) <= nbe /\ % n is valid ~find /\ ~mark /\ sIndex=sEnd % loops not executing eff rcvLeft := rcvLeft+n; lab := lab+n % for each received byte, mark the corresponding position in buffer % as true internal markBytes pre mark /\ rIndex>=rBegin /\ rIndex < rEnd eff buffer[rIndex] := true; rIndex := rIndex+1; if rIndex = rEnd then mark := false; if buffer[nbe] then find := true fi fi % find the first position of buffer containing false (no byte received) internal findNBE pre find /\ ~mark /\ buffer[nbe] eff nbe := nbe+1; if ~buffer[nbe] then find := false fi % reliable channel from i to j automaton ReliableChannel(i, j: Int) signature input send(m: Message, const i, const j) output receive(m: Message, const i, const j) states buffer: Seq[Message] := {} transitions input send(m, i, j) eff buffer := buffer |- m output receive(m, i, j) pre buffer ~= {} /\ m = head(buffer) eff buffer := tail(buffer) %this is a lossy channel (see input send) automaton LossyChannel(i, j: Int) signature input send(m: Message, const i, const j) output receive(m: Message, const i, const j) states buffer: Seq[Message] := {}, lost: Int:=-1 transitions input send(m, i, j) eff % throw a 3-sided die to decide whether to lose the message if randomInt(1,3)<3 then buffer := buffer |- m else lost := m.seq fi output receive(m, i, j) pre buffer ~= {} /\ m = head(buffer) eff buffer := tail(buffer) automaton Session components C[m:Int, n:Int]: LossyChannel(m, n) where 1 <= n /\ n <= 2 /\ 1<= m /\ m<= 2; P[i:Int]:tcp(i, 10, 3, 1) where 1 <= i /\ i <= 2 % The scheduler follows the rules: % % 1) If any loop is being executed, finish it % % 2) Pick a process or channel % If a process was picked: % a) If there is a timeout, send the earliest unacknowledged message % b) Pick an action. Then randomly decide whether to send a new message % or to give the application some data. % c) Add 1 to the clock (fire tick action). % % If a channel was picked: deliver a message schedule states rndm:Int, prcs:Int, % process number chan:Int, % channel number actn:Int, % action number n:Int % number of bytes for application to read with P1 = P[1], C12 = C[1,2], P2 = P[2], C21 = C[2,1] do % get the tcp connection started by exchanging SYN messages % this doesn't quite work, because of lost messages; re-run if it aborts % P1 sends SYN message to P2 fire output P1.send([0, 0, P1.lab+1, {}, true], 1, 2); % keep trying if message was lost while C12.buffer={} do fire output P1.send([0, 0, P1.lab+1, {}, true], 1, 2) od; fire output C12.receive(head(C12.buffer), 1, 2); % P2 sends SYN message back to P1 fire output P2.send([0, 0, P2.lab+1, {}, true], 2, 1); % keep trying if message was lost while C21.buffer={} do fire output P2.send([0, 0, P2.lab+1, {}, true], 2, 1) od; fire output C21.receive(head(C21.buffer), 2, 1); % loop forever, sending and receiving messages while true do % if any loops need to be executed, execute them while P1.mark /\ P1.rIndex >= P1.rBegin /\ P1.rIndex < P1.rEnd do fire internal P1.markBytes od; while P1.find /\ ~P1.mark /\ P1.buffer[P1.nbe] do fire internal P1.findNBE od; while P1.sIndex>=P1.sBegin/\P1.sIndex= P2.rBegin /\ P2.rIndex < P2.rEnd do fire internal P2.markBytes od; while P2.find /\ ~P2.mark /\ P2.buffer[P2.nbe] do fire internal P2.findNBE od; while P2.sIndex>=P2.sBegin/\P2.sIndex \/ P1.stop < P1.lar) /\ ((defined(P2.timeouts, P2.lar) /\ P2.timeouts[P2.lar] > \/ P2.stop < P2.lar) /\ len(P1.nextSegment)=0 /\ len(P2.nextSegment)=0 then fire internal P1.tick; fire internal P2.tick fi; % process 1 takes a step if prcs=1 then % if there was a timeout, send the earliest unacked segment if defined(P1.timeouts, P1.lar) /\ P1.timeouts[P1.lar] <= /\ ~P1.find /\ ~P1.mark /\ P1.sIndex=P1.sEnd then % in case of a timeout, this is a re-send fire internal P1.tick; fire output P1.send([P1.lar, P1.nbe, (P1.lab+1)-P1.nbe, P1.segments[P1.lar], false], 1, 2) fi; if actn=1 then % send a segment if (P1.sIndex=P1.sEnd /\ len(P1.nextSegment)>0 /\ ~P1.find /\ ~P1.mark) then % this is the original send, once a segment has been filled fire internal P1.tick; fire output P1.send([P1.nextSeq, P1.nbe, (P1.lab+1)-P1.nbe, P1.nextSegment, false],1,2) fi elseif actn=2 then % application reads some data from the receive buffer if P1.rcvLeft < P1.nbe /\ ~P1.find /\ ~P1.mark /\ P1.sIndex=P1.sEnd then % limit data read to at most 3 bytes at a time if (P1.nbe-P1.rcvLeft) < 3 then n := randomInt(1, P1.nbe-P1.rcvLeft) else n := randomInt(1,3) fi; fire internal P1.tick; fire internal P1.application(n) fi fi % process 2 takes a step elseif prcs=2 then % if there was a timeout, send earliest unacked segment if defined(P2.timeouts, P2.lar) /\ P2.timeouts[P2.lar] <= /\ ~P2.find /\ ~P2.mark /\ P2.sIndex=P2.sEnd then % in case of a timeout, this is a re-send fire internal P2.tick; fire output P2.send([P2.lar, P2.nbe, (P2.lab+1)-P2.nbe, P2.segments[P2.lar], false], 2, 1) fi; if actn=1 then % send a segment if P2.sIndex=P2.sEnd /\ len(P2.nextSegment)>0 /\ ~P2.find /\ ~P2.mark then % this is the original send, once a segment has been filled fire internal P2.tick; fire output P2.send([P2.nextSeq, P2.nbe, (P2.lab+1)-P2.nbe, P2.nextSegment, false], 2, 1) fi % application reads some data from the receive buffer elseif actn=2 then % application if P2.rcvLeft < P2.nbe /\ ~P2.find /\ ~P2.mark /\ P2.sIndex=P2.sEnd then % limit data read to at most 3 bytes at a time if (P2.nbe-P2.rcvLeft) < 3 then n := randomInt(1, P2.nbe-P2.rcvLeft) else n := randomInt(1,3) fi; fire internal P2.tick; fire internal P2.application(n) fi fi fi else % a channel takes a step % 9 is the channel from 1 to 2; 10 is the channel from 2 to 1 chan := rndm; if chan=9 /\ C12.buffer ~= {} then fire internal P1.tick; fire output C12.receive(head(C12.buffer),1,2) elseif chan=10 /\ C21.buffer ~= {} then fire internal P2.tick; fire output C21.receive(head(C21.buffer),2,1) fi fi od od