Winning sets of Diophantine measured foliations

Howard Masur (University of Chicago)

Abstract: In the 1960's W.Schmidt invented a game now called a Schmidt game to be played in R^n. Associated are what are called winning sets which have various nice properties; one of which is full Hausdorff dimension. The main motivating example of a winning set which Schmidt considered is the subset of reals with bounded continued fraction expansion. Classically these are the reals that are badly approximable by fractions. They also correspond in the moduli space H^2/SL(2,Z) to hyperbolic geodesics that stay in a compact set. One can formulate a similar condition for a measured foliation on a higher genus surfaces to be badly approximated by simple closed curves. These correspond to Teichmuller geodesics that stay in a compact subset of the corresponding moduli space. These are called Diophantine foliations. After giving the background on winning sets I will discuss the theorem, joint with Jon Chaika and Yitwah Cheung that the set of Diophantine foliations is Schmidt winning as a subset of PMF, Thurston's sphere of measured foliations.