Homotopical Height

Mahan Mj (RKM Vivekananda University)

Abstract: We introduce the notion of homotopical height ht_{C(G)} of a finitely presented group G within a class C of smooth manifolds with an extra structure (e.g. symplectic, contact, Kahler etc). Homotopical height provides an obstruction to finding a K(G,1) space within the given class C. This leads to a hierarchy of these classes in terms of "softness" or "hardness" a la Gromov. We show that the classes of closed contact, CR, and almost complex manifolds as well as the class of (open) Stein manifolds are soft. The classes SP and CA of closed symplectic and complex manifolds exhibit intermediate "softness" in the sense that every finitely presented group G can be realized as the fundamental group of a manifold in SP and a manifold in CA. For these classes, ht_{C(G)} provides a numerical invariant for finitely presented groups. We give explicit computations of these invariants for some standard finitely presented groups. We use the notion of homotopical height within the "hard" category of Kahler groups to obtain partial answers to questions of Toledo regarding second cohomology and second group cohomology of Kahler groups. We also modify and generalize a construction due to Dimca, Papadima and Suciu to give a large class of projective groups (fundamental group of complex projective manifolds) violating property FP. These provide counterexamples to a question of Kollar.