How many hyperbolic 3-manifolds can have the same volume
Christian Millichap (Temple)
Abstract: The work of Jorgensen and Thurston shows that there is a
finite number N(v) of orientable hyperbolic 3-manifolds with any given
volume v. In this talk, we construct examples showing that the number
of hyperbolic knot complements with a given volume v can grow at least
factorially fast with v. A similar statement holds for closed
hyperbolic 3-manifolds, obtained via Dehn surgery. Furthermore, we
give explicit estimates for lower bounds of N(v) in terms of v for
these examples. These results improve upon the work of Hodgson and
Masai, which describes examples that grow exponentially fast with v.
Our constructions rely on performing volume preserving mutations along
Conway spheres and on the classification of Montesinos knots.