CUNY Geometry and Topology Seminar

2023 — 2024

Unless a change is noted below, the CUNY Geometry and Topology Seminar takes place at 4:15pm on Tuesdays in Room 6417 of the Graduate Center, located at 365 Fifth Avenue across the street from the Empire State Building (seminar reminders will be emailed to those on the seminar mailing list). All are welcome.

Click on the title of a talk for the abstract (if available).

February 6, 2024 Kunal Chawla (Princeton) Random walks on groups and superlinear divergent geodesics
February 13, 2024 Rescheduled due to snow day
February 20, 2024 No seminar today
February 27, 2024 Diana Hubbard (CUNY) Twisting in small and big mapping class groups
March 5, 2024 Anubhav Mukherjee (Princeton) An eye towards understanding of smooth mapping class group of 4-manifolds
March 12, 2024 Søren Galatius (Copenhagen) The Alexander trick for homology spheres
March 19, 2024 Jenya Sapir (Binghamton) The birthday problem for random surfaces
March 26, 2024 No seminar today
April 2, 2024 Yi Wang (Penn) Punctured JSJ tori and tautological extensions of Azumaya algebras
April 9, 2024 Mahan Mj (TIFR) Hyperbolic commensurated subgroups
April 16, 2024 Sriram Raghunath (Rutgers) Bounds on Pachner moves and systole lengths for cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds
April 23, 2024 No seminar today
April 30, 2024 No seminar today
(Bruno Martelli is speaking at Columbia today)
See Columbia seminar page for time/location/title
May 7, 2024 No seminar today
(Bill Goldman is speaking at CUNY earlier in the day)
May 14, 2024
(talk one)
1:30 - 2:30
Room 4214.03
Michael Marinelli (CUNY) Twisted Alexander Polynomials and Ptolemy Varieties of twist knots and surface bundles
May 14, 2024
(talk two)
Usual time/place
Carolyn Abbott (Brandeis) Morse boundaries of CAT(0) cubical groups
Fall 2023:
September 12, 2023 Subhadip Dey (Yale) Combination Theorems for Anosov Subgroups
September 19, 2023
Special time today: 1:30-2:30pm
in math thesis room and on Zoom
Kuwari Mahanta (Indian Institute of Technology) Distance 4 curves in the curve graph
September 26, 2023 No seminar today
October 3, 2023 Ross Akhmechet (Columbia) Lattice cohomology and q-series invariants of 3-manifolds
October 10, 2023 No seminar today CUNY on Monday Schedule
October 17, 2023 Alexander Lowenstein (Rutgers) Deformation Groups Satisfy an Exponential Isoperimetric Inequality
October 24, 2023 Sebastian Hurtado-Salazar (Yale) Full limit set vs lattice
October 31, 2023 Joe Boninger (Boston College) Twisted knots and the perturbed Alexander invariant
November 7, 2023 Fraser Binns (Princeton) Link Floer Homology and (almost) braids
November 14, 2023 Eric Samperton (Purdue) Knots, hyperbolic geometry and quantum computers
November 21, 2023 No seminar today
November 28, 2023 Alina Vdovina (CUNY) Buildings, surfaces and quaternions
December 5, 2023 Andrew Will (Brooklyn College) Surface Links, Polynomial Coefficients, and Volume

Related student seminars:

Reading Seminar on Hyperbolic 3-manifolds

Schedule from previous years.

Related seminars in the NYC area:

This seminar is partially supported by the National Science Foundation and the Simons Foundation.
This page is maintained by Jason Behrstock, to whom errors in the page should be reported.