Web Page Construction


Complete the work on the labs 1, 2, and 3 (including the About Me parts) on your thumbdrive at home. Bring your thumbdrive to class next time. You will transfer your work to your website then.

Lab 3

Tony's Journal, take 1

  1. In your LABS directory, create a LAB3 sub-directory.
  2. In that directory, save journal.zip. (If Firefox won't let you do this on the classroom computer, try a different browser.) Use Windows Explorer (note, not Internet Explorer) to Extract this file in place. This will create a lounge sub-directory with all the files you will need to do the exercies in chapter 3.
  3. Edit the journal.html page adding the HTML tags suggested in the text (pp. 82-84).
  4. Make Tony's Lao Tzu quote into an HTML element by changing the double quote marks around it to opening and closing q tags (pp. 85-88, 105).
  5. Markup Tony's Birma Shave quote using the blockquote and br tags to indicate the poem's structure (pp. 90 - 98).
  6. Turn the places Tony visited into an ordered list using li tags ol tags (pp. 100 - 102).
  7. Turn list of item Tony took with him into an unordered list using li and ul tags (pp. 102 - 106).

More JavaScript

  1. Copy hello.html from LAB1 (or LAB2) to your LABS3 directory.
  2. Edit this hello.html page with Notepad.
  3. Replace the following line of JavaScript:
            a l e r t ( " H e l l o " ) ;
    with this one:
            p r o m p t ( " W h o   A r e   Y o u ? " ) ;
  4. Save your file and open it in some browser. Type your name in the popup window. Then hit Enter.

Organize the Index of Your LABS Directory

In the index.html page in your LABS directory, create an ordered list with a list items for the first three labs. Include in each list item hyperlinks to the appropriate page(s) for the lab. (In the list item for today's lab, include links to the journal.html and hello.html pages you modified above.) Each time we do a new lab, add another item to this list.

About Me

  1. Modify the index.html file in your PROJECT directory to make the classes you are currently taking into an ordered list.
  2. Create a new food.html file in this directory with a list (ordered or unordered) of your favorite foods.
  3. Add a paragraph to your index.html page with a hyperlink to your food.html file.
  4. Save your files and review them with a browser.

Always turn off your computer and screen before leaving the room.