Standard HTML 5

A brief (and outdated) history of the Internet.

Exam 1

There will be an exam next Thursday, 9/20/12. It should be a little less intense than these past exams: Exam 1, Fall '11 and Exam 1, Spring '12.

Lab 9/13/12

Standardize the HeadFirst Lounge

  1. Copy Chapter6 from your hfhtmlcss directory to your LABS directory.
  2. Edit the lounge.html file in the lounge directory.
  3. Add a <!doctype html> tag at the top of the lounge.htmlfile.
  4. Use the validator,, to check if the page meets standards.
  5. Add in the suggested <meta charset=utf-8> tag, and try the validator again.
  6. Fix any mistakes validate until your page has no errors.
  7. Repeat for the other pages in the Chapter6 directory.
  8. Edit the index.html file in your LABS directory to have a link to your revised lounge.html page.

Standardize your About Me pages

  1. Make the web pages in your PROJECT directory HTML5 compliant.

Synchronize your website to your thumbdrive

If is reachable.

Always turn off your computer and screen before leaving the room.