Web Page Construction


Complete the work on the labs for chapter 2 and chapter 3 (including the About Me parts) on your thumbdrive at home. Bring your thumbdrive to class next time (9/6/12). We will transfer your work to your website.

Lab 9/4/12

Tony's Journal, take 1

Note: if you do not yet have a USB thumbdrive, get one. For now, create a LABS folder on the C drive of your desktop and use it instead of the LABS folder on your thumbdrive. When you get a thumbdrive, repeat this lab using it at home.

  1. Copy the chapter3 folder from the text's code and examples zip file to the LABS folder on your thumbdrive.
  2. Replace the journal.html page in the chapter3 folder with the unformatted journal.html page.
  3. Add the tags to this page as indicated on page 83 of the text
  4. Follow the directions in chapter 3 to construct Tony's web page.
  5. In the body of index.html page in your LABS directory, create and ordered list (using the <ol> tag) with a list item (<li>) for chapters 2 and 3.
  6. In the list item for each chapter create a link (using the <a> tag) to the web page that is the final result of the lab for that chapter.

About Me

  1. Open Windows Explorer. Unhide file extensions (see step 3, page 15).
  2. Modify the index.html file in your PROJECT directory to make the classes you are currently taking into an ordered list.
  3. Create a new food.html file int this directory with a list (ordered or unordered) of your favorite foods.
  4. Add a paragraph (using the <p> tag) to your index.html page with a hyperlink to your food.html file.
  5. Open your index.html file with Internet Explorer.
  6. Open your index.html file with Firefox.

Show your work to Bowen before you leave class.

Always turn off your computer and screen before leaving the room.