

Set up your thumbdrive

Note: if you do not yet have a USB thumbdrive, get one. Create the file structure below on the computer at your desk in class. Repeat the exercise at home, once you have a thumbdrive.

  1. Create a directory (folder) on your thumbdrive called CIS228.
  2. In that directory, create two new directories LABS and PROJECT.

About Me

  1. Open Windows Explorer. Unhide file extensions (see step 3, page 15).
  2. Open Notepad. Save As index.html in your PROJECT directory.
  3. Create an html element containing head and body elements.
  4. Inside the head element, create a title element. Type < t i t l e > A b o u t M e < / t i t l e > .
  5. In the body, create a h2 heading element containing your name:
  6. After this heading element, create paragraph elements (<p>) for each of the following;
    1. Your major (and minor if you have one).
    2. Your expected graduation date.
    3. The classes you are taking this term.
    4. Your previous computer experience.
  7. Save your file.
  8. Open your file with Internet Explorer.
  9. Open your file with Firefox.

Head First Lounge

  1. Follow this link to http://wickedlysmart.com/hfhtmlcss/.
  2. Download the full code and resources zip file.
  3. Open this file in Windows and extract it to the CIS228 directory on your thumbdrive.
  4. This should create a hfhtmlcss subdirectory.
  5. Inside it, find the Chapter 2 subdirectory.
  6. Copy the lounge subdirectory inside it to your desktop (or MyDocuments directory).
  7. Edit the lounge.html file in the copy to link to the elixers.html and directions.html files.
  8. Reorganize the files in this directory as suggested in the text.
  9. Fix any broken links.
  10. In your LABS directory on your thumbdrive, create a CHAPTER2 subdirectory.
  11. Copy your revised lounge directory into the CHAPTER2 subdirectory.
  12. Compare with the completelounge directory from the booksite.
  13. Create an index.html file in your LABS directory.
  14. In this file, include a link to your revised lounge.html file.

Always turn off your computer and screen before leaving the room.